2018 Southern Vermont Economy Summit
Mount Snow, Dover, VT
News Coverage
Twenty-four Emerging Leaders Recognized at 2nd Annual Southern Vermont Summit- BDCC Press Release
Summit: Reinvisioning a post- Vermont Yankee economy- Vermont Business Magazine
The News Project- Economic Conference Stresses Regional Collaboration (GNAT)
BCTV Series: Southern Vermont Economic Development Summit
This link provides coverage of the entire day at the summit, divided into sessions
Windham Region CEDS Vital Projects Announcement
Holyoke Overcoming Adversity: Mayor Alex Morse, Holyoke, MA
Developing Our Workforce- Secretary Schirling and Sarah Buxton
Tech and the Rural Economy
Investing in Our Region
Southern Vermont Zone CEDS Kick Off- Camoin Associates
Emerging Leaders of Southern Vermont Reception "What is SoVermont?" PowerPoint
Emerging Leaders of Southern Vermont: Notes from the Nominators Booklet