CEDS Committee Information
Find below a list of links containing the project timeline, meeting agendas and notes, contact information for the committee, and background information from the previous CEDS. For any other information, or if you have questions or suggestions, reach out to Jonathan Cooper at BCRC, or to BDCC staff.
Committee Information
Agendas and Meeting Materials
Agendas will contain links as needed to access specific information, and will be posted ahead of meetings
August 26th -- 3-4:30 pm, IN PERSON in Bennington with a virtual option​
Meeting recording link
Topic: Committee to review updated strategy framework. Framework will be sent and posted by August 23. Robust feedback requested.
August 12 (Replaces July 22) - 3-4 pm VIRTUAL​
NOTES from meeting (also available in Google Drive)
Recording (view on Youtube)-- captures discussion portion
Topic: Rachel will facilitate a conversation about emerging concerns/opportunities and get insights about what will be important to address in the CEDS
Ahead of the meeting: review existing strategies/notes from our conversation on 6/24 about the prior CEDS. Think about ‘what is missing’ and ‘what initiatives/new initiatives are the most important’ for the next 4 years.
July 22 -- Cancelled
June 24 --
Agenda (drive link) or download as doc
Matrix of Strategies and actions for review
6/24 CEDS Strategies broken out for discussion Google Drive (comment permissions enabled) or download as Word doc
Notes from meeting (word doc)
April 22
Agenda (link in drive)​
Agenda (download as pdf)
Review and add your thoughts on why you live in SoVT: State of the Region/Committee thoughts (link in Drive; Download as doc)
March 25
Agenda (link in drive)​
Agenda (download as PDF)
Link to Google Doc to add thoughts/comments on agenda items
Thoughts/Comments doc: download in word (send additional comments to Meg Staloff please)
Recording of meeting (pw 3VXztSc^)
February 26
Agenda (link in drive)​
Agenda (download as pdf)
CEDS Committee Consultant Recommendation (link to drive file)
January 22
Download as Pdf​​​​​